Lawson-Menzies’ offering of 350 lots (which is a lot) is now online, and I have picked a selection from the web. I will be attending both the viewing (which starts on 1 August), and the auction on 8 August 2013 in Kensington/Sydney.
As usual, if you would like condition or framing reports or due diligence prior to bidding, please contact us. Email us or phone 02 9977 7764.
So here are Dave’s Faves for the first winter auction:
Lot 5 – Frank Hinder, Stateside Memories 1927-1933, 1964. Est. $8,000-12,000. New-found fame for Frank at Sydney Moderns at the AGNSW – this is Frank at his best.

Lot 26 – Fred Williams, Landscape study, est. $24,000-32,000. A little bit of Fred for a little bit of money
Lot 72 – Tim Maguire, Untitled 2008, est. $35,000-45,000. Will Tim’s auction prices ever recover for this perfectionist?
Lot 79 – Adam Cullen, Wild Boar, est. $12,000-15,000. Look great at a regional gallery this one – impact, impact, impact, bums on seats
Lot 104 – Sidney Nolan, Landscape, est. $9,000-12,000. Soft, subtle, suitable
Lot 108 – Clifton Pugh, Two Euros 1961, est. $9,000-12,000. No, these are the cute kind of Euro
Lot 113 – Clara Southern, Riverbend Reflections, est. $5,000-7,000. An excellent work by this very important Australian female artist.
Lot 116 – John Ford Paterson, Landscape with cattle, est. $1,600-2,400. An independent Scot inspired by the Australian landscape
Lot 119 – Adrian Feint, Palm Beach, Still Life 1949, est. $2,000-3,000. Also to be seen at Sydney Moderns AGNSW exhibition.
Lot 162 – Max Dupain, Meat Queue, est. $3,500-4,500. As iconic as The Sunbaker
Lot 166 – Max Dupain, Surf Race Start, Manly 1940, printed 1940s, est. $3,500-4,500. It’s Manly, need I say more
Lot 195 – Lawrence Starkey, A King between two Roses, 2004, est. $3,000-4,000. Decorator’s delight

Lot 225 – Hans Heysen, Landscape 1954, est. $7,000-9,000. Can anyone tell me that they don’t like this?
Lot 229 – Norman Lindsay, Untitled, est. $9,000-12,000. A charismatic portrait
Lot 231 – Sydney Long, Narrabeen Landscape 1917, est. $3,5000-5,500. These Trees Please
Lot 238 – John Perceval, Baby Angel with Wings, est. $4,000-5,000. Perceval knew how to wing it!

Lot 244 – Michael Shannon, Young Man, est. $3,000-4,000. An example of Michael Shannon’s brilliant early work
Lot 265 – Sidney Nolan, Drought Sculpture, 1953, est. $2,500-3,500. Now this really is a demonstration of Nolan’s talent – simplicity
Lot 271 – Robert Jacks, Spanish Dancer 1999, est. $5,000-7,000. All this abstract for so little cash – shame
Lot 323 – John Coburn, Flame Tree, screenprint 1976, est. $1,200-1,800. Coburn’s paper prices in burn-out
See images and read more at the Lawson-Menzies website for yourself.
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