Frequently Asked Questions

A formal professional art valuation for insurance purposes is often the best option when you need to update your home and contents insurance. In this way, your insurance company has a record with all details of your art collection should anything happen to your artworks. From experience, they are most vulnerable during transport, so we would recommend updating your insurance cover well before moving.
Banziger Hulme Fine Art Consultants are independent art valuers and advisers, ensuring you will receive honest and impartial advice, underpinned by solid research and knowledge of the art market. We are highly experienced in providing remote art valuations / desktop appraisals, and equally valuations that require site visits.

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With an inheritance or family division of art and other treasures comes the overwhelming task of not only sort through these items, but also deciding how they are shared.
While inherited collections come with a great deal of sentimental value, the determination of the financial value is often required to ensure the fair distribution of assets for all family members.
In many cases, the best way to achieve this are deceased estate valuations prepared by independent art valuers like BH Fine Art. This type of art appraisal provides a comprehensive catalogue of all artworks and their values by an impartial third party, so executors can make fully informed and fair decisions on distributions.

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A professional fine art appraisal provides you with all the relevant information on your artworks. You will get a catalogue with photographs, artists’ names, titles, size and medium of the artwork and an individual value so that all artworks are comprehensively documented.
An expert art valuation can be prepared for different purposes: to insure the artworks, to assess their market values, and also establish accurate values for probate and deceased estates, as well as appraisals for superannuation funds and family division.

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There are many reasons why a company or business may need art appraisals and valuations. For example, if a business is relocating to new premises, there may be a requirement to downsize which requires due diligence of the assets to determine the true value of the individual artworks, so that the company can make a fully informed and transparent decision on what art is retained and which works are disposed of.
Also, with a change in company ownership, the taste in art may change, resulting in the need for the existing artworks to be valued and perhaps sold. The artworks will be appraised prior to any sale to ensure they are being sold in accordance with current market value.
In other cases, companies may want to refresh their brand, and as a result, anything which represents the old image needs to be replaced. Artworks play a strong part in representing a company’s image, so in an instance where the image is being refreshed, the old artwork will need to be sold or given away.

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The best place to sell an artwork very much depends on the artist and the type of work. With every work or collection, you’ll need to establish what the market value is and research which would be the best market for that work, both geographically and the method of sale, eg. private treaty, through a gallery or at a fine art auction.
That is why we recommend that you seek impartial advice from an independent experienced art consultant like BH Fine Art who have a deep knowledge of the Australian and international art market.

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Maybe, if you know what you are looking at and know the seller. But bear in mind: buyer beware – the seller might not be knowledgeable about art and techniques himself. And true bargains are usually recognised only by experienced buyers.
It is a lot wiser to buy certainly your first works where you actually can see and examine them and where you know the vendor, e.g. a recognised gallery or a reputable fine art auction house, and with the assistance of art advisory services like the ones provided by BH Fine Art.

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If you love looking and learning, art can be an extremely rewarding interest that accompanies you throughout your life. Great art will expose you to new worlds and ideas and widen your horizon.
However, buy art only when you have done your homework. Never buy art just because it is touted as a “sure investment”, this is a sure way to disappointment.
A big budget doesn’t necessarily buy good art, and even a modest budget can provide you with an artwork that will hold its value. It is in the know-how: knowing what art and artists you like, the budgeting, careful planning and then buying in the right places. Individual assistance from seasoned fine art consultants like Banziger Hulme can be invaluable in this journey.

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Art consultants offer a variety of art advisory services: for example, they help private clients, companies and public institutions buy artworks, manage their artworks with fine art appraisals, assist with restoration and framing, and also assist when it comes to selling artworks. In all instances, important are due diligence, independent advice and lateral thinking to achieve the best results for clients.

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“Provenance” is French and means the source and history where an artwork comes from. With valuable artworks, it is vital to know the provenance or history of ownership in order to prove its authenticity. Documents such as purchase receipts and certificates from reputable sources as well as expert reports are the main ways of establishing the provenance.
Fine art consultants like BH Fine Art are experienced in assisting clients in these instances, and we always recommend that when you acquire an artwork, that you keep all related documents, even all the labels on the back of a painting for example.

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